Trusted AI Blog

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todayDecember 27, 2020

  • 46

Secure AI Weekly admin

Towards trusted AI Week 52 – people and AI should collaborate

For best results, humans and AI must come together and complement each other Higher benefits lowers risks  CGTN, December 21, 2020 Now it is already difficult to imagine our life without artificial intelligence technologies. During the quarantine period, this became especially evident: for example, predictive capabilities have become increasingly important. ...

todayDecember 13, 2020

  • 30

Secure AI Weekly admin

Towards trusted AI Week 50 – AI opens new doors

AI can bring relief in many spheres, but before that, smart technologies need sufficient testing  AI gives new opportunities    InformationWeek, December 10, 2020 Gunter Ollmann, chief security officer for Microsoft’s Cloud and AI security division, discussed the 2020’s rush to the cloud, the current situation with adversarial AI, and the ...

todayDecember 6, 2020

  • 27

Secure AI Weekly admin

Towards trusted AI Week 49 – securing our AI systems

As attacks against AI become more sophisticated, experts come up with new ways to combat them  Five ways to secure your smart systems   TechBeacon, December 3, 2020 It is difficult to find a field of human activity in which artificial intelligence systems are not yet involved. At the same time, ...

todayNovember 15, 2020

  • 37

Secure AI Weekly admin

Towards trusted AI Week 46 – how to conceal speech data

The abilities of smart technologies are huge and that is ways it is also both important and difficult to control the risks associated with it. “Smart” stenography for concealing speech data Analytics India Magazine, November 10, 2020 Coming  from Greek steganographia, steganography means concealed or covered. It is the practice ...

todayNovember 11, 2020

  • 1585

Articles admin

What is Secure and Trusted AI

What is Trusted AI? Asking Google to build a route feels like doing the trust fall exercise. Behind me there is a vague understanding of AI and promises that it can be trusted, help unbiasedly and keep my data secure. A team of AI creators I have never met is ...