Top funny AI incidents of all time

Articles admin todayFebruary 24, 2022 4754

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Artificial intelligence is far from perfect – this is no secret to anyone. Despite the fact that some of his mistakes and attacks can lead to serious consequences, some are still not so fatal and sometimes even hilarious. Today we invite you to pay attention to the top funny AI incidents that smart systems themselves or the owners of smart devices got themselves into.


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    Funny AI incident with falling down the stage 

    The first funny AI incident is actually a real nightmare of almost any person struggling with stage fright. The humanoid robot produced by Boston Dynamics did not have all the capabilities of the body that an ordinary person has – it can easily be called clumsy, and the incident that happened to the poor robot right at its own premiere is to blame.

    Despite the fact that the robot managed to accurately perform a number of other actions with ease, already leaving the stage, the unfortunate robot got entangled in the curtain and fell off the stage. Yes, the most ridiculous thing that can happen to anyone at the end of their speech happened to this poor fellow.


    Confusing millionaire and violator

    It is worth recognizing that pedestrians violating the rules of safe crossing of the road can cause a lot of problems, and artificial intelligence helps to combat this. Chinese traffic police in some cities are using artificial intelligence to better control jaywalking by installing smart cameras with facial recognition at intersections. This allows citizens to be identified. Their partially changed names and faces are then displayed on a public display screen.

    However, something went wrong with the artificial intelligence system in the city of Ningbo. The system has embarrassed itself by accepting a photo of Chinese billionaire Mingzhu Dong in an ad on a passing bus as an offending pedestrian. The ridiculous mistake not only went viral on Chinese social media, but also prompted the Ningbo police to apologize for the mishap. Luckily, Dong wasn’t offended, posting on social media, “This is a trivial matter. Safe travel is more important.”


    LG robot Cloi shames its developers on stage 

    However, it was not only the Boston Dynamics humanoid that suffered a fiasco on stage – a robot introduced by LG in 2018 to help users control their smart home put its creators to shame on stage during its debut at CES. 

    Despite the fact that the manufacturers stated that the robot should improve the performance of kitchen appliances, the robot refused to respond to commands given to it during its presentation on stage three times – its only reaction was simply blinking. According to experts, the debut was a complete disaster for the traitor bot, which users have long ridiculed in social networks.


    Funny AI incident… With dog poo!

    Smart vacuums were made to help people clean the house, right? However, something went wrong with this unlucky device.  Jesse Newton and his wife were already asleep, their little puppy, who could not stand it until the morning, went to the toilet right at home. Meanwhile, the Rumba smart device, which is programmed to turn on at 1:30 a.m. every night, start the work shift. And yes, it came across poop left by the puppy. Since the smart vacuum cleaner was not programmed to remove such “objects”, it began to smear them, dragging them around the apartment. When the poor owners woke up in the morning, not the most pleasant surprise awaited them – everything, absolutely everything from rugs to furniture was smeared with dog feces.


    Funny AI incident party, but not for neighbours 

    What can be more annoying than noisy neighbors? As it turned out, only their smart assistants, that suddenly fail, are worse.

    One gets the impression that smart Alexa deliberately waited for the moment when her owner Oliver Haberstroh spent the night away from home – according to the smart assistant, this was the best time to have a loud party. At 1:50 a.m. Alexa turned on the music – so loudly that she woke up the unfortunate neighbors of the man. Having knocked on the door and received no answer, the neighbors called the police. When the police did arrive at the scene, they had to break down the door. As a result, the column was safely turned off, and the unsuspecting owner of the house, on his return, had to go to the police station to restore the keys and pay a rather big bill.


    Making purchases – no parents needed 

    Probably, many children in the age of the Internet tried at least once to order something from the Internet without permission. However, now with the help of smart speakers it has become even easier! 6-year-old girl Brooke Neitzel already knew how to interact with Alexa and ordered a $170 Kidcraft dollhouse and four pounds of cookies from her by simply asking for these items. The girl’s mother quickly found out about the incident, receiving a message confirming the purchase – after that, the dollhouse was donated to a local hospital and parental control was added to Alex.

    However, the story with the order of the dollhouse did not end there. San Diego news channel CW6 reported on a funny incident during the daily morning show – with news anchor Jim Patton saying, “I love the little girl saying, ‘Alexa ordered me a dollhouse.” The host couldn’t even imagine that some Alexa devices in the houses of the audience will also work to order doll houses.

    While the situations you’ve read about today didn’t cause any serious problems and were just funny (although some of them really embarrassed their developers), other AI bugs can turn out to be not so fun. You should never forget that artificial intelligence is currently responsible for many aspects of activity, errors which can lead to serious material losses and potentially unsafe situations.


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