Hacking Facial Recognition at Hacktivity

Company News + Conference Talks admin todayOctober 11, 2020 53

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Hacktivity is the biggest event of its kind in Central & Eastern Europe. The visitors are coming from all around the globe every year to learn more about the latest trends of cybersecurity, get inspired by people with similar interests, and develop themselves via comprehensive workshops and training sessions.

Alex Polyakov did a presentation on hacking facial recognition at Hacktivity.

The use of facial recognition technology is on the rise, and you can find it in different areas of human activity including social media, smart homes, ATMs, and stores. Recently, researchers have discovered that deep learning algorithms are vulnerable to various attacks called adversarial examples. 

Alex presented our research conducted in the real environment with various cameras and algorithms and showed how to protect production systems from this kind of attack.

Written by: admin

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